DHM Splendeurs: Spanish Gypsies联合创作 · 2024-04-16 10:35The Harp Consort音乐专辑DHM Splendeurs: Spanish Gypsies名称The Gypsy Lilt (Rowallan Manuscript)An Ayre called "Corke" (Playford ("Musicks Hand-Maid"))Mal Sims - The Last of the GypsiesLulle Me Beside Thee (After Playford "English Dancing Master")The Whirlygig (After Playford "English Dancing Master")Punk's Delight (After Playford "English Dancing Master")Packington's Pound (After Playford "English Dancing Master")The Spanish Jeepsies (After Playford "English Dancing Master")The Lady Louthian's Lilt (Dalhousie Cittern Manuscript)Muy LindaThe Quadran Pavan (Rowallan Manuscript)Buffins (Otley's Cittern Book)A Spanish HumourNew Scotch Jig (After Byrd/Playford)Sarabande to "Corke"SpagniolettaThe Irish Ho-Hoane (Fitzwilliam Virginals Book)Gipsies RoundThe Hunt Sup (Divisions by Byrd)Trenchmore还有3条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Spanish GypsiesSpanish Gypsies0Spanish GypsiesSpanish Gypsies0Les splendeursLes splendeurs0A Song of the Spanish Gypsies, Op. 50, No. 2A Song of the Spanish Gypsies, Op. 50, No. 20GypsiesGypsies0For the GypsiesFor the Gypsies0GypsiesGypsies0The GypsiesThe Gypsies0The GypsiesThe Gypsies0GypsiesGypsies0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报