Farkas: Complete Wind Quintets联合创作 · 2024-04-10 09:31Phoebus Quintet音乐专辑Farkas: Complete Wind Quintets名称Gyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 6. A kobeka (The Stone Frog)Lavottiana: IV. Nemet tancnota (German Dance-tune)Lavottiana: I. Indulas Pannonia fele (March to Pannonia)Lavottiana: III. Lassu verbunk es figura (Slow Verbunkos and Figura)Antiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo (Old Hungarian Dances of the 17th Century): II. Lento: Moderato maestosoAntiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo (Old Hungarian Dances of the 17th Century): IV. Chorea: ModeratoGyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 1. Gaspar (Punch)Lavottiana: II. Menuett (Minuet)4 Pezzi (version for double bass and woodwind quintet): II. ScherzoAntiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo (Old Hungarian Dances of the 17th Century): I. Intrada: Allegro moderatoSerenade: II. Andante espressivoGyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 9. Bekakiraly (Frog King)Antiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo (Old Hungarian Dances of the 17th Century): V. Saltarello: AllegroGyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 11. Paprika Jancsi szerenadja (Harlequin Serenade)Gyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 7. Altatodal (Lullaby)Antiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo (Old Hungarian Dances of the 17th Century): III. Danza della scapole: Allegro quasi Scherzo4 Pezzi (version for double bass and woodwind quintet): IV. RondoGyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 3. Marasztalas (Sunbeams)Gyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 5. Mondoka (Violets)Gyumolcskosar (Fruit basket): No. 4. Falusi reggel (Morning in the Village)还有10条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐FarkasFarkas0A Farkas És a KuvaszA Farkas És a Kuvasz0Ferenc Farkas: BalladaFerenc Farkas: Ballada0Aubade (Arr. By Ferenc Farkas)Aubade (Arr. By Ferenc Farkas)0Péter és a farkasPéter és a farkas0CompleteComplete0CompleteComplete0CompleteComplete0CompleteComplete0CompleteComplete0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报