Elgar: The Apostles

联合创作 · 2024-03-20 15:55

理查德 · 希科克斯音乐专辑Elgar: The Apostles
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: Hail, Master! (Judas)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Ascension: And when He had spoken these things (Contralto)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: Then gathered the chief Priests and Pharisees a council (Tenor)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. The Calling of the Apostles: And it came to pass in those days…(Tenor)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Ascension: We trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel (The Apostles)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. By the Sea if Galilee: Thy face, Lord, will I seek (Mary Magdalene)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? (Judas)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. By the Wayside: This shall ye have of Mine hand (Mary Magdalene)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II: Orchestral Introduction
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: And it came to pass that He went throughout every city and village (Tenor)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. The Calling of the Apostles: Blessed are the poor in Spirit (Jesus)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: Then Judas, which had betrayed Him (Contralto)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. By the Sea if Galilee: Turn you to the stronghold, ye prisoners of hope (Chorus)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. The Betrayal: Thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth (Servants)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. The Calling of the Apostles: Recitative. Tenor. 'And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship'
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part II. At the Sepulchre: And very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre (Contralto)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. By the Sea if Galilee: When Jesus came into the ports of Caesarea Philippi (Tenor)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. The Calling of the Apostles: The voice of Thy watchman! (The Angel Gabriel)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Part I. The Calling of the Apostles: And when it was a day, He called unto Him His disciples (Tenor)
The Apostles, Op. 49, Prologue: The Sprit of the Lord is upon me (Chorus)
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