De Falla: El Amor Brujo, Nights in the Gardens of Spain & Interlude and Dance
杰弗里 · 西蒙音乐专辑De Falla: El Amor Brujo, Nights in the Gardens of Spain & Interlude and Dance
名称 |
Noches en los jardines de España (Nights in the Garden's of Spain): III. En los Jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba (In the Gardens of the Sierra de Córdoba) |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): V. Danza del Terror (Dance of Terror) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): XIII. Final. Las Campanas del Amanecer (The Bells of Morning) [Revised Version, 1920] |
La Vida Breve, G. 35: Interlude & Spanish Dance |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): XII. Danza del Juego de Amor (Dance of the Game of Love) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): I. Introduccion y Escena (Introduction and Scene) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): VII. A Media Noche. Los Sortilegios (Midnight. Witchcraft) [Revised Version, 1920] |
Noches en los jardines de España (Nights in the Garden's of Spain): II. Danza Lejana (Distant Dance) |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): II. En la Cueva. La Noche (In the Cave. Night) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): III. Canción del Amor Dolido (Song of Love's Sorrow) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): VI. El Circulo Mágico. Romance del Pescador (The Magic Circle. The Fisherman's Story) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): X. Canción del Fuego Fatuo (Song of the Will o' the Wisp) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): IV. El Aparecido (The Apparition) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): VIII. Danza Ritual del Fuego (Ritual Fire Dance) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): IX. Escena (Scene) [Revised Version, 1920] |
El Amor Brujo (Love the Magician): XI. Pantomima (Pantomime) [Revised Version, 1920] |
Noches en los jardines de España (Nights in the Garden's of Spain): I. En el Generalife (In the Generalife) |
