Sibelius: Works for Mixed Choir a Cappella联合创作 · 2024-04-10 17:21莫尼卡 · 戈洛普音乐专辑Sibelius: Works for Mixed Choir a Cappella名称6 Partsongs, Op. 18 (arr. for Mixed Chorus): No. 6: Sydameni Laulu (Song of My Heart)Drommarna (The Dreams), JS 64: Drommarna (The Dreams)Ensam I Dunkla Skogarnas Famn (Alone In the Depths of the Forests), JS 72: Ensam I Dunkla Skogarnas Famnn (Alone In the Dark Forest's Clasp)2 Songs, Op. 65: Man Fran Slatten Och Havet (People of Land and Sea), Op. 65aIsanmaalle (To the Fatherland), JS 98a (1900 Version): Isanmaalle (To the Fatherland), JS 98aKoulutie (The Way to School), JS 112Finlandia-hymni: Finlandia-HymnJuhlamarssi (Festive March), JS 105: Juhlamarssi (Festive March)Tyokansan Marssi (Workers' March), JS 212: Tyokansan Marssi (March of the Labourers)6 Partsongs, Op. 18 (arr. for Mixed Chorus): Saarella Palaa (Fire On the Island), Op. 18, No. 4 (arr. for Mixed Chorus)Ej Med Klagan (Not With Lamentation), JS 69: Ej Med Klagan (Not With Lamentations)Uusmaalaisten Laulu (Song for the People of Uusimaa), JS 2142 Songs, Op. 65: Kellosavel Kallion Kirkossa (Bell Melody of Kallio Church), Op. 65bDen 25 Oktober 1902: Till Therese Hahl (25 October 1902: To Theresa Hahl) (2nd Setting), JS 61: Den 25 Oktober 1902: Till Theresa Hahl (25 October 1902: To Theresa Hahl)6 Partsongs, Op. 18 (arr. for Mixed Chorus): No. 1: Sortunut Aani (The Broken Voice)Joululaulu (Christmas Song)Aamusumussa (Morning Mist), JS 9a: Aamusumussa (In the Morning Mist) (version for Mixed Chorus), JS 9aMin Rastas Raataa (The Thrush's Toiling), JS 1296 Partsongs, Op. 18 (arr. for Mixed Chorus): No. 3: Venematka (The Boat Journey)Skolsang (School Song), JS 172: Skolsang (School Song)浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Solfeggio, for Mixed Choir a cappellaSolfeggio, for Mixed Choir a cappella0Miserere (mixed choir a cappella)Miserere (mixed choir a cappella)0To Morning for mixed choir a cappellaTo Morning for mixed choir a cappella0Magnificat (mixed choir a cappella)Magnificat (mixed choir a cappella)0Jingle a Cappella (Arr. For Mixed Choir)Jingle a Cappella (Arr. For Mixed Choir)0Modlitwa Panska for Mixed Choir A Cappella歌手HermanEngels&PoolsRadiokoorModlitwaPanskaforMixedChoirACappella1266669179发布日期2011-11-07ISRCQM6N217Nunc dimittis (mixed choir a cappella)Nunc dimittis (mixed choir a cappella)0Agnus Dei for Mixed Choir A CappellaAgnus Dei for Mixed Choir A Cappella0Da pacem, Domine (mixed choir a cappella)Da pacem, Domine (mixed choir a cappella)0O gloriosa virginum for Mixed Choir A CappellaO gloriosa virginum for Mixed Choir A Cappella0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报