凯瑟琳 · 博特全部音乐作品首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-11-30Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: "In Our Deep Vaulted Cell"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: "The Queen of Carthage, Whom We Hate"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: "Haste, Haste to Town"Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: "See the Flags and Streamers Curling"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: "Cupid Only Throws the Dart"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: "Pursue Thy Conquest, Love"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: "See, See, Your Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: "If Not for Mine"royal Guest Appears"Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: "With Drooping Wings"Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: Prelude - "Come Away, Fellow Sailors"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: "Fear No. Danger"Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: "Thy Hand Belinda - When I Am Laid in Earth"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: "Stay, Prince, Stay"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: "Harm's Our Delight"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: A Dance Gittars ChaconyDido and Aeneas, Act 2: "Behold Upon My Bending Spear"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: Ritornelle - "Thanks to These Lonesome Vales"Dido and Aeneas, Act 2: Echo Dance of the FuriesDido and Aeneas, Act 1: "Whence Could So Much Virtue Spring?"Dido and Aeneas, Act 1: OvertureDido and Aeneas, Act 2: Ritornelle还有214条未看,查看更多凯瑟琳 · 博特点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报