Tellu Virkkala全部音乐作品首发于,统计截止日:2025-03-23Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 3: Juhana Herttuan Hovista (Duke John At Turku Castle)Karelia: OvertureKarelia: Tableau 5: Pontus de la Gardie At the Gates of Kakisalmi (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Karelia: Tableau 6: The Siege of Viipuri (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Karelia: Tableau 3: Narimont, the Duke of Lithuania, Levying Taxes In the Province of Kakisalmi (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Karelia: Intermezzo: Alla MarciaKarelia: Tableau 7: The Reunion of Old Finland (Karelia) With the Rest of Finland - Tableau 8: Oi, Maamme Suomi, Synnyinmaa (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Karelia: Tableau 4: Ballade: Hall Om en Afton Da Rim Faller Pa, I Biden Mig Val!Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: PreludioKarelia: Tableau 1: Runic Song: Oi Ukko, Ylijumala (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 2: Suomalaisia Kastetaan (The Finns Are Baptised)Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 1: Vainamoinen Ilahdutta Laulullaan Luontoa, Kalevan Ja Pohjolan Kansaa (The Song of Vainamoinen)Karelia: Tableau 2: The Founding of Viipuri Castle (completed and Reconstructed By J. Kaipainen)Karelia: IntermezzoPress Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 4: Suomalaiset 30-vuotisessa Sodassa (The Finns In Thirty Years War)Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 5: Isonvihan Aikana (The Great Hostility)Press Celebrations Music, JS 137: Tableau 6: Suomi Heraa (Finland Awakes)Tellu Virkkala点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报