Elli Jaffe全部音乐作品首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2025-01-16A Brivele Der Mamen (A Little Letter to Mama)Dos Mamele, "Kid Mother": Oyb S'iz Geven Gut Far Mayn Mamen (If It Was Good Enough for My Mother)Berele Tremp (Berele, the Vagabond Street Boy): Watch Your StepDer Rebetsn's Tokhter (The Rabbi's Wife's Daughter): HamavdilOp-to'un un Da'un-to'un (Uptown-Downtown): Fifty-FiftyTsipke: Tsipke: A Bisl Libe un a Bisl Glik (A Bit of Love and a Bit of Luck)Der Rebe Hot Geheysn Freylekh Zayn: In a Kleyn Shtibele (In a Small Cottage)Dos Galitsiyaner Rebele (The Little Galician Rabbi): Shloymele MalkeleDi Goldene Kale (The Golden Bride): Mayn Goldele (My Goldele)Hu-Tsa-Tsa (O-tsa-tsa)Gebrokhene Hertser (Broken Hearts): Got un Zayn Mishpet Iz Gerekht (God and His Judgment Are Just)Dos Radio Meydl (The Radio Girl): Es Tsit, Es Brit (It Tugs, It Burns)Di Khaznte (The Cantor's Wife): Shma Yisro'elYosl un Zayne Vayber: Du Bist Dos Likht Fun Mayne Oygn (You Are the Light of My Eyes)Fishl Der Gerotener: Dir a Nikl, Mir a Nikl (A Nickel for You, and a Nickel for Me)Dzhenke - Oy Iz Dos a Meydl (Oh, Is This a Girl!): Oy Iz Dos a MeydlSacred Service: V. Kaddish (Memorial Service)Sacred Service: IV. Returning The Scroll To The ArkSacred Service: I. Meditation (Prelude)Sacred Service: III. Silent Devotion (Prelude)还有2条未看,查看更多Elli Jaffe点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报