Bergen Baroque全部音乐作品首发于,统计截止日:2025-02-20Menalcas Once the Gayest Swain, "Menaloas": II. Aria: Beware My Thyrsis How You Prove…Love Frowns In Beauteous Myra's Eyes: II. Recitative: Mark How When Sullen Clouds Appear…When Loves Soft Passion: II. Aria: O Love Thou Know´st My Anguish…Recorder Sonata In F Major: I. VivaceWhen Loves Soft Passion: IV. Aria: Why Shou´d I Love the Fair That Fly´s Me…Cleora Sat Beneath a Shade, "Cleora": III. Recitative: Dorus Wing´d With Swift Desire…While Corydon the Lovely Shepherd, "Corydon": IV. Aria: Who, from Love His Heart Securing…Cleora Sat Beneath a Shade, "Cleora": II. Air: Sure Time and Love Are Both a Sleep…Menalcas Once the Gayest Swain, "Menaloas": I. Recitative: Menaloas, Once the Gayest Swain…Morlake GroundWhen Loves Soft Passion: III. Recitative: The God of Love Who Hear´d My Pray´r…Love Frowns In Beauteous Myra's Eyes: III. Aria: Love and the Graces Smiling…While Corydon the Lovely Shepherd, "Corydon": II. Aria: Gay Charmer, to Befriend Thee…While Corydon the Lovely Shepherd, "Corydon": III. Recitative: The Shepherd Rose, He Gaz´d Around…Love Frowns In Beauteous Myra's Eyes: I. (Aria): Love Frowns In Beauteous Myra´s Eyes…Menalcas Once the Gayest Swain, "Menaloas": III. Recitative: Soon Alass, the Heedless Youth…Recorder Sonata In D Minor: II. AllegroWhen Loves Soft Passion: I. Recitative: When Loves Soft Passion Had Usurp´d MyCleora Sat Beneath a Shade, "Cleora": IV. Aria: Fly Care and Anguish Far Away…Recorder Sonata In D Minor: I. Grave还有1条未看,查看更多Bergen Baroque点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报