Pia Freund全部音乐作品首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-11-15Oltra Mar (Across the Sea): V. Souvenir de Vagues (Memory of the Waves)Nymphea Reflection: I. SostenutoOltra Mar (Across the Sea): VI. Mort (In Memory of Gerard Grisey)5 Reflets de L'Amour de Loin (5 Reflections On Love from Afar): No. 5. Vers Toi Qui Es Si Loin (Towards You So Far Away)5 Reflets de L'Amour de Loin (5 Reflections On Love from Afar): No. 2. Songe (Dream)5 Reflets de L'Amour de Loin (5 Reflections On Love from Afar): No. 4. Si la Mort Pouvait Attendre (If Death Could Wait)Oltra Mar (Across the Sea): III. Vagues (Waves)Nymphea Reflection: IV. Lento Espressivo5 Reflets de L'Amour de Loin (5 Reflections On Love from Afar): No. 1. Outremer (2 Shores)Oltra Mar (Across the Sea): I. Depart (Departure)Nymphea Reflection: II. FeroceNymphea Reflection: VI. MisteriosoOltra Mar (Across the Sea): IV. Temps (Time)Nymphea Reflection: III. DolcissimoOltra Mar (Across the Sea): VII. Arrivee (Arrival)5 Reflets de L'Amour de Loin (5 Reflections On Love from Afar): No. 3. L'Amour de Loin (O Distant Love)Nymphea Reflection: V. FuriosoOltra Mar (Across the Sea): II. Amour (Love)Pia Freund点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享编辑 删除分享 举报