Gibbons: Anthems, Madrigals & Fantasies - Morley: Madrigals联合创作 · 2024-04-08 20:56阿尔弗雷德 · 戴勒音乐专辑Gibbons: Anthems, Madrigals & Fantasies - Morley: Madrigals名称Verse Anthem: This is the Record of John St. John, I, vv. 19-23Madrigal: My lovely wanton jewelMadrigal: Hark! Jolly ShepherdsAnthem: O Lord, increase my faithStay heart, run not so fast (à 4)Madrigal: Now is the gentle season - The fields abroadThe Cries of London: I. God give you good morrowThe Cries of London: II. A good saussageFantasia "In Nomine"O grief e'en on the bud (à 5)Anthem: Almighty and Everlasting God 4vvFantasia II a 3What Is Our LifeFantasia a 4The Silver SwanFantasia I a 3Madrigal: Farewell, disdainfulMadrigal: Sweet nymph, come to thy loverHymn: Oh my love, how comely nowMadrigal: Good love then fly thou to her还有2条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Madrigals: RozmarnýMadrigals: Rozmarný0Madrigals: MilostnýMadrigals: Milostný0Madrigals: PoetickýMadrigals: Poetický0Madrigals: Scaldava il-solMadrigals: Scaldava il-sol0Madrigals: Anima miserandaMadrigals: Anima miseranda0Madrigals: Hark! AlleluiaMadrigals: Hark! Alleluia0Madrigals: III. the ExpirationMadrigals: III. the Expiration0Madrigals: Lo, a GroveMadrigals: Lo, a Grove0Four Madrigals: LoveFour Madrigals: Love0Madrigals: Donna leggiadraMadrigals: Donna leggiadra0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报