Saxton: The Wandering Jew联合创作 · 2024-03-12 13:17Roderick Williams音乐专辑Saxton: The Wandering Jew名称The Wandering Jew, Scene 5: Pt. 1, What Is This Place, So Wild, So Cold?The Wandering Jew, Scene 6: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 5: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 1: Pt. 1, After Nearly Two Thousand Years of Wandering, HereThe Wandering Jew, Scene 5: Pt. 2, This Mortal GodThe Wandering Jew, Scene 6: Pt. 5, Roll Up, Roll UpThe Wandering Jew, Scene 3: Pt. 3, They're AsleepThe Wandering Jew, Scene 3: Pt. 1, Centuries of Wandering Made Me Lose All Sense of Passing TimeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 1: Pt. 2, Sixty Thousand SoldiersThe Wandering Jew, Scene 3: Pt. 2, Mama, May We Hear a Tale?The Wandering Jew, Scene 3: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 7: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 4: I Know What This Waiter Will SayThe Wandering Jew, Scene 2: Wind-blown, the Night Sand Is ColdThe Wandering Jew, Scene 6: Pt. 1, By Canals, in Streets Overflowing with LifeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 8: Daybreak, the Sand Grows WarmThe Wandering Jew, Scene 2: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 6: Pt. 2, Venice's Carnival... The Human Need for Song, Dance, Food, Drink, CompanionshipThe Wandering Jew, Scene 6: Pt. 3, I've Seen Centuries of DancersThe Wandering Jew, Scene 1: Interlude还有3条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Wandering JewWandering Jew0The Wandering Jew歌手SƠNTheWanderingJew1616133749发布日期2022-04-08ISRCQZ8WX2084361时长1.09分钟流派歌剧,音乐,古典作曲家SonofSoulThe Wandering Jew0The Wandering Jew, Scene 2: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 2: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 7: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 7: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 3: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 3: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 5: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 5: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 6: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 6: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 4: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 4: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 1: InterludeThe Wandering Jew, Scene 1: Interlude0The Wandering Jew, Scene 8: Daybreak, the Sand Grows WarmThe Wandering Jew, Scene 8: Daybreak, the Sand Grows Warm0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报