St. Peter: An Oratorio (Live)

联合创作 · 2024-04-14 03:26

Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra音乐专辑St. Peter: An Oratorio (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): Recitative "Now, When They Heard This" - No. 33, Chorus "Men and Brethen" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Denial and Repentance): No. 16, Air "O God, My God Forsake Me Not" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Denial and Repentance): No. 12, Recitative "And Lo! Judas Came" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): Recitative "Now When This Was Noised Abroad" - No. 29, Chorus "Behold, Are Not All These" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): No. 39, Chorus "Great and Marvellous" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Divine Call): No. 8, Chorus "The Church Is Built" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Divine Call): Introduction - No. 1, Chorus "The Time Is Fulfilled" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Divine Call): Recitative "And He Called His Twelve Disciples" - No. 4, Chorus "We Go Before the Face of the Lord" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Ascension): No. 26, Quartet "Feed the Flock of God" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Divine Call): No. 6, Tenor Solo and Twelve Male Voices "And He Asked His Disciples" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Divine Call): No. 3, Air "The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): No. 36, Choral "Praise to the Father" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): No. 27, Recitative "And When the Day of Pentecost" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Denial and Repentance): No. 9, Recitative "And When Jesus and His Disciples" - Arioso "All Ye Shall Be Offended" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (Pentecost): No. 35, Chorus "This is the Witness of God" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Ascension): No. 22, Recitative and Solo "After That He Was Risen" - Arioso "Go Ye and Teach All Nations" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Denial and Repentance): No. 17, Chorus of Angels "Remember From Whence Thou Art Fallen" - Chorus of Angels "And He That Overcometh" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Denial and Repentance): No. 13, Chorus "We Hid Our Faces from Him" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Ascension): Recitative "And Peter, with the Eleven" - No. 25, Air "O Man of God, Be Strong" (Live)
St. Peter, An Oratorio, Op. 20 (The Ascension): No. 23, Recitative "And He Lifted Up His Hands" (Live)
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