Respighi: Pines of Rome, Fountains of Rome & Metamorphoseon modi XII联合创作 · 2024-04-10 08:07Jesús López Cobos音乐专辑Respighi: Pines of Rome, Fountains of Rome & Metamorphoseon modi XII名称Fountains of Rome: I. Fountain of Valle Giulia at DawnMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus IXMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus XPines of Rome: IV. Pines of the Appian WayMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus IMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus XIIPines of Rome: I. Pines of the Villa BorgheseMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus VIIIMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus VIPines of Rome: II. Pines Near a CatacombFountains of Rome: IV. Villa Medici Fountain at SunsetMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus IVMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus VIIMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus IIPines of Rome: III. Pines of the JaniculumMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus XIMetamorphoseon modi XII: ThemeMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus IIIFountains of Rome: III. Fountain of Trevi at Mid-DayFountains of Rome: II. Triton Fountain at Morn还有1条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐By The Fountains Of RomeBy The Fountains Of Rome0The Fountains of RomeThe Fountains of Rome0Fountains of RomeFountains of Rome0By the Fountains of RomeBy the Fountains of Rome0Pines of RomePines of Rome0Pines of RomePines of Rome0Pines of RomePines of Rome0The Pines of RomeThe Pines of Rome0Metamorphoseon modi XII: Modus XIIMetamorphoseon modi XII: Modus XII0Metamorphoseon modi XII: ThemeMetamorphoseon modi XII: Theme0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报