Psalms of David, Vol. 8: Praise the Lord O My Soul
Ely Cathedral Choir音乐专辑Psalms of David, Vol. 8: Praise the Lord O My Soul
名称 |
Psalm 117 "O Praise the Lord, All Ye Heathen" |
Psalm 125 "They That Put Their Trust in the Lord" |
Psalm 118 "O Give Thanks Unto the Lord, for He Is Gracious" |
Psalm 30 "I Will Magnify Thee, O Lord (After H. Lawes) |
Psalm 120 "When I Was in Trouble I Called Upon the Lord" |
Psalm 36 "My Heart Sheweth Me the Wickedness of the Ungodly" |
Psalm 31 "in Thee, O Lord, Have I Put My Trust" |
Psalm 133 "Behold How Good and Joyful a Thing It Is" |
Psalm 50 "the Lord, Even the Most Mighty God, Hath Spoken" |
Psalm 119 "Teach Me, O Lord, The Way of the Statutes" |
Psalm 110 "the Lord Said Unto My Lord" |
Psalm 52 "Why Boastest Thou Thyself, Thou Tyrant" |
Psalm 102 "Hear My Prayer, O Lord" |
Psalm 103 "Praise the Lord O My Soul" |
Psalm 51 "Have Mercy Upon Me, O God, After Thy Great Goodness" |
Psalm 140 "Deliver Me, O Lord, from the Evil Man" |
