Sibelius: Vocal Music联合创作 · 2024-04-02 10:30卡丽塔 · 玛蒂拉音乐专辑Sibelius: Vocal Music名称Arioso, Op. 3 (version for Soprano and Piano)6 Songs, Op. 90: No. 1. Norden (The North)6 Songs, Op. 88: No. 2. de Bagge Rosorna (The Two Roses)7 Songs, Op. 17 (excerpts): No. 3. Fagellek (Enticement)8 Songs, Op. 61: No. 7. Fafang Onskan (Idle Wishes)5 Songs, Op. 37: No. 5. Flickan Kom Ifran Sin Alsklings Mote (The Girl Returned from Meeting Her Lover)7 Songs, Op. 13: No. 4. Varen Flyktar Hastigt (Spring Is Flying)7 Songs, Op. 17: No. 6. Illalle (To Evening)7 Songs, Op. 17 (excerpts): No. 7. Lastu Lainehilla (Driftwood)8 Songs, Op. 57: No. 4. Maj (May)6 Songs, Op. 36: No. 1. Svarta Rosor (Black Roses)Souda, Souda Sinisorsa (Row, Row, Duck)6 Songs, Op. 88: No. 4. Sippan (The Primrose)5 Songs, Op. 37: No. 1. Den Forsta Kyssen (The First Kiss)7 Songs, Op. 17: No. 5. en Slanda (A Dragonfly)6 Songs, Op. 88: No. 5. Tornet (The Thorn)6 Songs, Op. 88: No. 1. Blasippan (The Anemone)6 Songs, Op. 36: No. 2. Men Min Fagel Marks Dock Icke (But My Bird Is Nowhere to Be Seen)6 Songs, Op. 72: No. 4. Kaiutar (The Echo Nymph)6 Songs, Op. 88: No. 3. Vitsippan (The Wood Anemone)还有4条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Music Of The Night (vocal)Music Of The Night (vocal)0SibeliusSibelius0Body Music (Vocal) [Mixed]Body Music (Vocal) [Mixed]0Opening Music (Texas Vocal)Opening Music (Texas Vocal)0Music Man (Vocal Version)Music Man (Vocal Version)0Let the Music (Vocal Mix)Let the Music (Vocal Mix)0Music Is the Answer (Scat Vocal)歌手ColonelAbramsMusicIstheAnswer(ScatVocal)1422264794发布日期1992-09-22ISRCUSLZJ1824994时长6.61分钟流派House作品,Summer Music (Vocal mix)Summer Music (Vocal mix)0Music Man (Vocal Version)Music Man (Vocal Version)0Music Man (Vocal Version)Music Man (Vocal Version)0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报