Stravinsky, Bartok: Ballet Music联合创作 · 2024-03-20 14:53维也纳爱乐音乐专辑Stravinsky, Bartok: Ballet Music名称The Firebird - Ballet (1910): Ivan Tsarevich Captures the FirebirdLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 2, Le Sacrifice: 3. Glorification d'élueLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 1, L'Adoration de la Terre: 7a. Le sageThe Firebird - Ballet (1910): Dance of Kashchei's Retinue Under the Spell of the FirebirdThe Firebird - Ballet (1910): Kashchei's Enchanted GardenThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 5. MaestosoThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 8. Adagio2 Portraits, Op. 5, Sz.37, BB 48b: 1. "Ideal"The Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 1. AllegroLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 2, Le Sacrifice: 5. Action rituelle des ancêtresThe Firebird - Ballet (1910): Collapse of Kashchei's Palace and Dissolution of All Enchantments - Reanimation of the Petrified Prisoners - General RejoicingThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 9. AgitatoLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 1, L'Adoration de la Terre: 6. Cortège du sage - Le sageLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 1, L'Adoration de la Terre: 2. Les augures printaniers - Danses des adolescentesThe Firebird - Ballet (1910): Game of the Princesses with the Golden ApplesThe Firebird - Ballet (1910): Magic Carillon, Appearance of Kashchei's Guardian Monsters and Capture of Ivan TsarevichThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 3. 2nd Decoy GameThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 7. Sempre vivoLe Sacre du Printemps, Pt. 2, Le Sacrifice: 2. Cercles mysteriéux des adolescentesThe Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82, Sz. 73, Op. 19 - Pantomime in 1 Act by Melchior Lengyel: 6. Allegro还有25条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Ballet music in memory of Igor StravinskyBallet music in memory of Igor Stravinsky0Music for BalletMusic for Ballet0Ballet MusicBallet Music0Ballet MusicBallet Music0Ballet MusicBallet Music0Ballet MusicBallet Music0Ballet MusicBallet Music0BartokBartok0Five_2 (ballet music)Five_2 (ballet music)0Undine: Ballet MusicUndine: Ballet Music0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报