The Best of Opera联合创作 · 2024-04-02 11:12Pavel Gerdjikov音乐专辑The Best of Opera名称Le Nozze Di Figaro: Recitative and Aria of Count AlmavivaDon Giovanni: Toast of Don GiovanniDon Giovanni: Serenade of Don GiovanniFalstaff: Monologue of FalstaffRuslan and Ludmila: Rondo of FarlafLe Nozze Di Figaro: Act 4, Aria of FigaroIl Barbiere Di Siviglia: Aria of Don BasilioHitur Peter: Aria of Hitur PeterLe Nozze Di Figaro: Act 1, Aria of FigaroDon Giovanni: Aria of LeporelloL`Italiana In Algeri: Aria of MustafaDie Entführung Aus Dem Serail: Act 1, Aria of OsminDie Entführung Aus Dem Serail: Aria of OsminDie Zabuerflöte: Aria of PapgenoDie Zauberflüte: Act 2, Aria of PapagenoDie Zauberflöte: Aria of SarastroBoris Godunov: Song of Varlaam浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Best for the BestBest for the Best0Best of the BestBest of the Best0Best for the BestBest for the Best0At the Opera ("Faust" Opera)At the Opera ("Faust" Opera)0Besting the Best of the BestBesting the Best of the Best0Sharpshooter (Best of the Best)Sharpshooter (Best of the Best)0Best Of Best (With Brann)Best Of Best (With Brann)0Join the Best, Be the BestJoin the Best, Be the Best0B.O.T.B. (Best of the Best)B.O.T.B. (Best of the Best)0Best Best FriendBest Best Friend0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报