Copland: Old American Songs & 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson联合创作 · 2024-03-27 10:31道恩 · 厄普肖音乐专辑Copland: Old American Songs & 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson名称12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: VII. Sleep Is Supposed to Be12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. the ChariotOld American Songs Set 2: IV. At the RiverOld American Songs Set 1: I. the Boatmen's Dance12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: I. Nature, the Gentlest MotherOld American Songs Set 1: V. I. Bought Me a Cat12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: V. Heart, We Will Forget Him!Old American Songs Set 2: II. Zion's WallsOld American Songs Set 2: I. the Little HorsesBilly the Kid: VII. Waltz12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: IV. the World Feels DustyOld American Songs Set 2: V. Ching-a-Ring ChawOld American Songs Set 1: III. Long Time AgoBilly the Kid: IV. Prairie Night12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XI. Going to HeavenOld American Songs Set 1: IV. Simple GiftsBilly the Kid: VI. Celebration - After Billy's CaptureDown a Country Lane浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. The Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. the Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. the Chariot012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. The Chariot12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: XII. The Chariot012 Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson: No. 11, Wild Nights!12 Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson: No. 11, Wild Nights!012 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot (Live)12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot (Live)012 Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson: No. 12, ’Tis So Much Joy!12 Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson: No. 12, ’Tis So Much Joy!0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报