Walton: Facade 1 - Lambert: The Rio Grande - Bliss: Things to Come - Warlock: The Curlew (1929-1936)联合创作 · 2024-03-27 12:52威廉 · 沃尔顿音乐专辑Walton: Facade 1 - Lambert: The Rio Grande - Bliss: Things to Come - Warlock: The Curlew (1929-1936)名称Corpus ChristiFacade 1: XVII. Jodelling SongFugue in C minorThings to Come: EpilogueThe Curlew: He hears the cry of the sedgeFacade 1: X. A Man from a Far CountryFacade 1: XVIII. Scotch RhapsodyThe Curlew: The lover mourns for the loss of loveThings to Come: MarchThings to Come: Melodrama: Allegro con fuocoFacade 1: VI. Tango-PasodobleThe Curlew: He reproves the curlewFacade 1: XIII. PolkaThings to Come: The World in RuinsFacade 1: XX. Fox-Trot Old Sir FaulkFacade 1: XVI. ValseFacade 1: VIII. Black Mrs. BehemothFacade 1: IV. Long Steel GrassThe Curlew: The withering of the boughsThings to Come: Ballet for Children还有4条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 4点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Walton: Polka From 'Facade'Walton: Polka From 'Facade'0Walton: Tango-Pasodoble From 'Facade'Walton: Tango-Pasodoble From 'Facade'0The Rio GrandeThe Rio Grande0Rio Grande歌手MarcJordanRioGrande1671588766发布日期2023-04-21ISRCCAL352100306时长5.74分钟流派AdultContemporary,音乐,国际流行,爵士乐Rio GrandeRio Grande0Rio GrandeRio Grande0Rio GrandeRio Grande0Rio GrandeRio Grande0Rio GrandeRio Grande0Rio GrandeRio Grande0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报