Langgaard: Symphonies Nos. 4, 6, 10 & 14, Music of the Spheres联合创作 · 2024-04-02 09:41John Frandsen音乐专辑Langgaard: Symphonies Nos. 4, 6, 10 & 14, Music of the Spheres名称Suite - Symphony No. 14 Morgenen (The Morning): III. Marmorkirken Ringer the Bells of the 'Marble Church'Suite - Symphony No. 14 "Morgenen" (The Morning): IV. Da Trætte Staar Op Til Livet Weary They Rise to LifeSuite - Symphony No. 14 Morgenen (The Morning): VI. "farmænd" Farer Til Kontoret 'Daddies Dashing Off to the Office'Sfærernes Musik (The Music of the Spheres)Suite - Symphony No. 14 "Morgenen" (The Morning): V. Radio-Caruso Og Tvangsenergi Wireless Caruso and Compulsive EnergySymphony No. 6 "Det Himmelrivende" (The Heaven-storming)Suite - Symphony No. 14 "Morgenen" (The Morning): I. Indledningsfanfare Opening FanfareSuite - Symphony No. 14 Morgenen (The Morning): II. Upaaagtede Morgenstjerner Morning Stars UnnoticedSymphony No. 4 "Løvfald" (Leaf-fall)Symphony No. 10 "Hin Tordenbolig" (Yon Dwelling of Thunder)浏览 3点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Music of the Spheres: Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres: Music of the Spheres0Music of the Spheres: IV. Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres: IV. Music of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music Of The SpheresMusic Of The Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0Music of the SpheresMusic of the Spheres0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报