Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance联合创作 · 2024-03-22 10:13查尔斯・马克拉斯爵士音乐专辑Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance名称The Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Trio. When You Had Left Our Pirate FoldThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Solo with Chorus. Stay, We Must Not Lose Our SensesThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Chorus with Solos. When the Foeman Bares His SteelThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Song. When a Felon's Not Engaged in His EmploymentThe Pirates of Penzance, Act 2: Song and Finale. Sighing Softly to the RiverThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Recitative. Now, Frederic, Let Your Escort Lion-HeartedThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Solo. A Rollicking Band of Pirates WeThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Introduction and Solo. Oh! Dry the Glist'ning TearThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Chorus of Girls. What Ought We to Do, Gentle Sisters, Say!The Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Recitative. No., I'll Be Brave! Oh, Family DescentThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Duet. Stay, Frederic, Stay!The Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Song. Oh! Is There Not One Maiden BreastThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Recitative. Stop, Ladies, Pray!The Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Song. I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-GeneralThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Opening Chorus of Pirates and Solo. Pour, Oh Pour, the Pirate SherryThe Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Recitative and Duet. All Is Prepared! Your Gallant Crew Await You!The Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Chorus of Girls. Climbing over Rocky MountainThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Recitative. Hold, Monsters!The Pirates of Penzance, Act II: Chorus. Hush! Hush! Not a WordThe Pirates of Penzance, Act I: Recitative and Duet. Oh! False One, You Have Deceived Me还有8条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 3点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐The Pirates of Penzance: A Sullivan BalladThe Pirates of Penzance: A Sullivan Ballad0Gilbert and Sullivan: Oh Better Far to Live and Die (from The Pirates of Penzance)Gilbert and Sullivan: Oh Better Far to Live and Die (from The Pirates of Penzance)0The Pirates of PenzanceThe Pirates of Penzance0The Pirates of PenzanceThe Pirates of Penzance0The Pirates Of PenzanceThe Pirates Of Penzance0The Pirates of Penzance: Overture歌手RichardEdgar-WilsonSullivan,A.:RoseofPersia(The)-OperaandConcertOverturesThePiratesofPenzance:OverPirates of Penzance DuetsPirates of Penzance Duets0Overture The Pirates of PenzanceOverture The Pirates of Penzance0The Pirates of Penzance: OvertureThe Pirates of Penzance: Overture0The Pirates of Penzance: DialogueThe Pirates of Penzance: Dialogue0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报