Echoes联合创作 · 2024-03-25 13:17聆听这张专辑时,你可能需要抵制住“择优而听”的诱惑——将音乐家们精心策划的曲目从头到尾听完,才是更明智的选择。虽然每首作品都可以独立聆听,但《Echoes》本质上是一趟完整的音乐旅程,前一部作品结束、后一部作品响起时,听众就能发现其中的独运匠心。这种音乐效果的实现,不仅得益于 Orchestra of名称2 Aquarelles: I. Lento, ma non troppo (Arr. for Orchestra by Eric Fenby)Dies natalis, Op. 8: V. The SalutationBuffalo JumpVenus In Furs (David Le Page Version)StarburstThe Four Seasons Recomposed: II. Spring INana (Arr. for Drums, Bass Guitar and Orchestra by David Le Page)The Sea of Time and SpacePrelude in B Minor, BWV 855a (Arr. for Violin and Orchestra by David Le Page and Alexander Siloti)We Played Some Open Chords And Rejoiced, For The Earth Had Circled The Sun Yet Another Year (Arr. for Piano and Orchestra by David Le Page)Peaches En Regalia (Arr. for Violin and Orchestra by Ali N. Askin)The Art of Dancing: V. Trance浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Echoes on EchoesEchoes on Echoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0EchoesEchoes0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报