Metamodern Sounds in Country Music联合创作 · 2024-03-27 11:26轻盈朴实的乡村民谣也能寓意深远,探问宇宙、毒品、宗教神话等沉重议题。Sturgill Simpson,这位美国乡村音乐歌手从肯塔基州出发,用音乐构筑出一扇通向意识深处的求索之门,背上吉他踏入探寻精神寄托与形而上学的旅程。专辑名字《Metamodern Sounds in Country Music》致名称It Ain't All FlowersLiving the DreamA Little LightLong White LineThe PromiseJust Let GoTurtles All the Way Down浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Country Sleep SoundsCountry Sleep Sounds0Morning Sounds of the CountryMorning Sounds of the Country0Country MusicCountry Music0Country MusicCountry Music0Country MusicCountry Music0Country MusicCountry Music0Country MusicCountry Music0Country MusicCountry Music0This Is Country MusicThis Is Country Music0Country Night Ambience SoundsCountry Night Ambience Sounds0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报