Bidú Sayão联合创作 · 2024-04-08 21:12Bidú Sayão音乐专辑Bidú Sayão名称Folk Songs of Brazil: Ogundé UareréFolk Songs of Brazil: Meu Boi BarrosoToi, Le Cur de la Rose from L'enfant Et Les SortilégesL'année en Vain Chasse from L'enfant ProdigueAdieu, Notre Petite Table from Manon (Act II) [Voice]Folk Songs of Brazil: Nigue-nigue-ninhasRestons Ici... Voyons, Manon from Manon (Act I)Aria - Cantilena from Bachiana Brasileira No. 5Le NelumboFolk Songs of Brazil: Engenho NovoObéissons from Manon (Act III)Si Tu Le Veux!Folk Songs of Brazil: Ó KinimbáDe fleursSi Mes Vers Avaient Des AilesChanson tristeJewel Song from Faust (Act III)Folk Songs of Brazil: São-João Da Ra-rãoRoi de Thule from Faust (Act III)Folk Songs of Brazil: A Casinha Pequenina还有3条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 3点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐O Bid Your Faithful Ariel FlyO Bid Your Faithful Ariel Fly0Bid LongBid Long0The Opening BidThe Opening Bid0Bid the VirtuesBid the Virtues0Bid the VirtuesBid the Virtues0Bargain and BidBargain and Bid0Bid AdieuBid Adieu0Bid Long歌手PliesBidLong260541812发布日期2007-08-07ISRCUSAT20625861时长4.00分钟流派嘻哈/说唱,音乐,GangstaRap,南部饶舌作曲家A.WashingtBid FarewellBid Farewell0Bid 'Em InBid 'Em In0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报