Béla Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle, Cantata Profana联合创作 · 2024-04-15 19:32New Symphony Orchestra of London音乐专辑Béla Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle, Cantata Profana名称Bluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 5: The estateBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 3: The treasuryBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 4: The flower gardenBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 1: The torture chamberBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 6: The lake of tearsBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48: The Bard's prologue and beginning of the operaBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11, Sz. 48, Door 2: The armoury浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Béla (Bartòk)Béla (Bartòk)0Bluebeard's CastleBluebeard's Castle0Bluebeard's CastleBluebeard's Castle0Hommage a Béla BartókHommage a Béla Bartók0Cantata ProfanaCantata Profana0Bluebeard's Castle, Op. 11: Bluebeard's DomainBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11: Bluebeard's Domain0Bluebeard's Castle, Op. 11: Bluebeard's Former WivesBluebeard's Castle, Op. 11: Bluebeard's Former Wives0Bluebeard's Castle: VIII. Seventh Door - Bluebeard's Wives歌手瓦列里・捷杰耶夫,ElenzZhidkova,伦敦交响乐团&SirWillardWhiteBluebeard'sCastle:VIII.SeventhDoor-Bluebeard'sWives13Duke Bluebeard's Castle: Seventh Door, Bluebeard’s WivesDuke Bluebeard's Castle: Seventh Door, Bluebeard’s Wives0Hommage á Béla Bartók for Clarinet SoloHommage á Béla Bartók for Clarinet Solo0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报