Price: To the Children of War, Diversion & Big Sur Triptych联合创作 · 2024-04-11 17:02Darryl Taylor音乐专辑Price: To the Children of War, Diversion & Big Sur Triptych名称Stille Antico (version for Violin)To the Children of War: No. 3. We Saw Beyond Our SeemingL'Alma JubiloTo the Children of War: No. 9. Give Me Your HandA Dad's PrayerTo the Children of War: No. 4. Recitative No. 2: Feet Tied - Hands TiedTo the Children of War: No. 6. Recitative No. 3: Children of War In Our Own BordersHexachord: View from Malibu (version for Clarinet)To the Children of War: No. 1. Life Doesn't Frighten MeDiversions: I. Desert ImpressionCrossroads Alley Trio (version for Violin, Clarinet and Piano)Diversions: II. Surf DanceBig Sur Triptych: II. RedwoodsTo the Children of War: No. 11. Ships?To the Children of War: No. 10. Recitative No. 5: Children Fo War Hope for the Future3 Faces of Kim, the Napalm Girl: No. 3. Fearful (version for Violin and Piano)To the Children of War: No. 5. TearsTo the Children of War: No. 8. Recitative No. 4: Refugee Youth Face a Double BurdenTo the Children of War: No. 2. Recitative No. 1: The Nineteen Hundred and Eighties!Big Sur Triptych: III. Crags还有3条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Big Sur Triptych: III. CragsBig Sur Triptych: III. Crags0Big Sur Triptych: II. RedwoodsBig Sur Triptych: II. Redwoods0Big Sur Triptych: I. Sea OttersBig Sur Triptych: I. Sea Otters0Price of WarPrice of War0The Price of WarThe Price of War0The Price of WarThe Price of War0Children of WarChildren of War0Children at WarChildren at War0Children of WarChildren of War0Children of WarChildren of War0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报