Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky久石让 Joe Hisaishi关注2024-03-04 17:49名称Robot Soldier/ Resurrection-Rescue -ASIAN SYMPHONY 1. Dawn of AsiaInnocentMemories of GondoaA Street Brawl / The Chase / Floating with the CrystalASIAN SYMPHONY 3. Monkey ForestASIAN SYMPHONY 2. Hurly-BurlyThe Castle of TimeDoves and the Boy / The Girl Who Fell from the SkyASIAN SYMPHONY 4. AbsolutionGran'ma DolaThe Crisis / Disheartened PazuThe Eternal Tree of Life浏览 9点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Castle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0The Castle in the SkyThe Castle in the Sky0Castle In The SkyCastle In The Sky0Castle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0Castle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0The Castle in the SkyThe Castle in the Sky0Castle in the Sky歌手KiriTCastleintheSky1711893365发布日期2019-04-23ISRCHKF821900004时长4.11分钟流派世界音乐,音乐作曲家KiriTCastle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0Castle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0Castle in the SkyCastle in the Sky0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报