Songs of Lowell Liebermann
洛厄尔 · 李伯曼(利伯曼)音乐专辑Songs of Lowell Liebermann
名称 |
Three Dream Songs, Op. 53: III. I Dream a World |
Three Dream Songs, Op. 53: II. Dream |
Final Songs, Op. 21: II. Many Red Devils |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: I. A Poet to His Beloved |
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, Op. 41 |
Night Songs, Op. 22: I. Good Night |
Final Songs, Op. 21: VI. There Was a Man With a Tongue of Wood |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: V. He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead |
Final Songs, Op. 21: IV. Listening to Comrade Shostakovich On the Day of His Death |
Six Songs On Poems of Henry W. Longfellow: II. Mezzo Camin |
Night Songs, Op. 22: III. A Variation On |
Six Songs On Poems of Henry W. Longfellow: III. Snow-Flakes |
Six Songs On Poems of Henry W. Longfellow: IV. The Haunted Chamber |
Final Songs, Op. 21: I. When Death Comes |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: III. He Hears the Cry of the Sedge |
Six Songs On Poems of Henry W. Longfellow: V. Delia |
Three Dream Songs, Op. 53: I. Ardella |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: VI. He Wishes for His Clothes of Heaven |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: IV. He Thinks of His Past Greatness When a Pt. of the Constellations of Heaven |
A Poet to His Beloved, Op. 40: II. He Remembers Forgotton Beauty |
