The John Adams Edition联合创作 · 2024-03-20 11:42柏林爱乐乐团的曲目范围如此之广,他们可以在一个音乐季里,奉上由一群顶尖指挥家带来的 John Adams 的各类音乐作品,让你目不暇接。《Harmonielehre》与由 Leila Josefowicz 担任独奏的小提琴协奏曲《Scheherazade.2》是作曲家本人亲自指挥的,令人激动的《Sho名称The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act II Scene 1: Chorus "Who Rips His Own Flesh Down the Seams"The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 5: Tell Me, How Is This Night DifferentThe Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act II Scene 6: Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead?The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 2: Chorus "En un Día de Amor Yo Bajé Hasta la Tierra"The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 4: Then Jesus Six Days Before the PassoverScheherazade. 2: II. A Long Desire (Love Scene)The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act II Scene 2: The Said DefendantsThe Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 5: And There Were Some That Had Indignation Within ThemselvesThe Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 3: Chorus "Drop Down, Ye Heavens, from Above"The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act II Scene 2: IntroductionCity Noir: III. Boulevard NightShort Ride in a Fast MachineThe Wound-DresserHarmonielehre: III. Meister Eckhardt and QuackieHarmonielehre: II. The Anfortas WoundThe Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act II Scene 5: Chorus "It Is Spring"The Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 5: We Know There Will Be No UtopiasScheherazade. 2: I. Tale of the Wise Young Woman – Pursuit by the True BelieversThe Gospel According to the Other Mary, Act I Scene 3: Now a Certain Man Was SickLollapalooza还有21条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Violin Concerto - John Adams LightViolin Concerto - John Adams Light0Violin Concerto - John Adams LightViolin Concerto - John Adams Light0AdamsAdams0AdamsAdams0Prince Des Marais (John Monkman Edition)Prince Des Marais (John Monkman Edition)0North AdamsNorth Adams0Tony AdamsTony Adams0Adams VariationsAdams Variations0Adams Anthem歌手Febbvs.AdamsCampAdamsAnthem1527369200发布日期2011-06-16ISRCJPH492016028时长4.54分钟流派嘻哈/说唱,音乐作曲家febbasYounAdams AlleyAdams Alley0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报