Christmas Matins

联合创作 · 2024-04-10 11:11

WDR德国科隆西德广播交响乐团音乐专辑Christmas Matins
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Tamquam sponsus dominus procedens de thalamo suo
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Lesung. Jube, domne, benedicere orda nostra
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Deus iudicium tuum regi da et
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Lesung. Jube, domne, silencium fieri in aures
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: VI. Lesung. Jube, domne, benedicere
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Eroffnungsrufe. Deus in adiutorium meum intende
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Beatus venter, qui te portavit, Christe
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Paravit Dominus bracchium sanctum suum
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Lesung. Jube, domine, leccionis nove melos cum laude
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Responsorium. Verbum caro factum est et habitavit
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Letentur celi et exultet terra ante faciem
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Responsorium. in proprio venit, et sui eum non receperunt
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Responsorium. Speciosus forma pre filiis hominum
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: II. Lesung. Jube, domne, silencium ad aures audiencium
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: I. Lesung. Jube, domne, silencium ad aures audiencium
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Antiphon. Diffusa est gracia in labiis tuis
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: V. Lesung. Jube, domne, benedicere
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: IV. Lesung. Jube, domne, benedicere
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: II. Lesung. Jube, domne, benedicere
Gregorian Chants for the Christmas Vigil: Responsorium. Ecce agnus Dei, qui tollit peccata mundi
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