Dowland: Ayres联合创作 · 2024-04-16 12:18Ensemble Orlando Gibbons音乐专辑Dowland: Ayres名称Fine Knacks for LadiesThou Mighty GodCome againIn This Trembling Shadow CastGo Crystal TearsFrom Silent NightTell Me, True LoveLasso Vita MiaIn darknessFlow My TearsCan She ExcuseAwake, Sweet LoveNow, O NowIf That a Sinner's SighCome Heavy SleepClear or CloudyCome Away, Come, Sweet LoveShall I StrivePrelude for LuthSorrow come还有1条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐AyresAyres0AyresAyres0AyresAyres0Deconstructing DowlandDeconstructing Dowland0Dowland WingedDowland Winged0After DowlandAfter Dowland0Deconstructing DowlandDeconstructing Dowland0The Ayres of AgincourtThe Ayres of Agincourt0A Fancy--John DowlandA Fancy--John Dowland0Dowland, GitarrensoloDowland, Gitarrensolo0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报