ONE LIFE ONLY万妮达 Vinida关注2024-03-04 16:38在《ONE LIFE ONLY》之前,你可能很难想象西非的 Afrobeats 律动可以如此巧妙地和福州方言结合在一起,但突破向来是万妮达的拿手好戏。在说唱综艺前便崭露头角的她,曾用冲劲十足的说唱风格击破传统 Hip-Hop 场景对女性 rapper 的固有期待,也以巧妙的故事编排和 flow,四两拨名称MoJiaDaiTalk To MeOne 9 OnlyLocationTemptationDumoIf I Lie浏览 3点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Only One LifeOnly One Life0Only One LifeOnly One Life0Your One and Only LifeYour One and Only Life0Only One In My LifeOnly One In My Life0Only One Shot at This LifeOnly One Shot at This Life0Only One Love In My LifeOnly One Love In My Life0Only One Life (Bonus Track)Only One Life (Bonus Track)0Only One and OnlyOnly One and Only0We've Only Got One LifeWe've Only Got One Life0After All the Loves of My Life/Only One LifeAfter All the Loves of My Life/Only One Life0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报