Nordic Songs & Romances联合创作 · 2024-04-13 21:45Gitta-Maria Sjöberg音乐专辑Nordic Songs & Romances名称Sibelius/J.J. Wecksell: Var det en dröm?K. Borg / J.L. Runeberg: FjärilpostenSibelius/G.Fröding: Säf, säf, susaK. Borg / J.L. Runeberg: Flickan knyter i Johanne-nattenC. Nielsen / H.C. Andersen: Studie efter naturenGrieg / H.C. Andersen: To brune øjneHå, hå, jag har krukor te sälja (Svensk danslek)Grieg / H.C. Andersen: Jeg elsker dig!Roselil (Dansk folkemelodi)E. Norby / P. la Cour: Deres altid rene øjneSibelius/V. Rydeberg: HöstkvällT. Rangström/B. Bergman: Bön till nattenH. Alfvén / T. Ditlevsen: Saa tag mit hjerteK. Borg / J.L. Runeberg: Den ena stundenT. Rangström/B. Bergman: Flickan under nymånenTvå vänner de gör ett par (Svensk danslek)Det var en lørdag aften (Dansk folkevise)E. Norby / P. la Cour: Jeg har sagt dig det...E. Norby / P. la Cour: SuiteT. Rangström/B. Bergman: Pan还有6条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Songs and Romances: At a BallSongs and Romances: At a Ball0Romances and Songs: The WathercockRomances and Songs: The Wathercock0Romances and Songs: SpringRomances and Songs: Spring0Romances and Songs: BrideRomances and Songs: Bride0Romances and Songs: LullabyRomances and Songs: Lullaby0Romances and Songs: Moscow MorningRomances and Songs: Moscow Morning0Songs and Romances: The Age of SixteenSongs and Romances: The Age of Sixteen0Songs and Romances: A Lad and a MaidSongs and Romances: A Lad and a Maid0Romances and Songs: in the Unmoved HollowRomances and Songs: in the Unmoved Hollow0NordicNordic0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报