Erik den heliges hystoria - the Historia of St. Erik

联合创作 · 2024-03-29 14:49

Malmo College of Music Singers音乐专辑Erik den heliges hystoria - the Historia of St. Erik
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Hic insignitus (antiphon) - Psalm 146, "Lauda anima mea Dominum"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Hostia grata Deo (antiphon) - Psalm 93, "Dominus regnavit decorem"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: O rex insignis (antiphon) - Psalm 148, "Laudate Dominum de celis"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Ferro transsecuit (antiphon for the Benedicite) - Benidicite omnia opera (benedicite)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Tu Domine eligisti me regem (reading)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: O miles Christi (responsory)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Gloriosus martyr Dei Ericus regno (first reading)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Digne promeruit (antiphon) - Psalm 72, "Deus iudicium tuum regi da"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Martyr presbytero (antiphon) - Psalm 63, "Deus, deus meus"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Organ improvisation on Ave martyr pretiose
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Corona aurea (versicle)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Pax patrie decus ecclesie (responsory)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Corona fulgens aurea (antiphon for the Benedictus) - Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel (benedictus)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Hymnum nove leticie (hymn)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Assunt Erici (antiphon) - Psalm 113, "Laudate pueri Dominum"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Te Deum
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Adest dies leticie (hymn)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Antiphon for the Magnificat - Magnificat anima mea Dominum (magnificat)
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Christum suppliciter (invitatory) - Psalm 95, "Venite exultemus Domino"
Erik den heliges hystoria (the Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Infanti genito (antiphon) - Psalm 100, " Iubilate Deo, omnis terra"
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