Wagner: Twilight Of The Gods

联合创作 · 2024-03-27 16:07

雷金纳德 · 古多尔音乐专辑Wagner: Twilight Of The Gods
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Prelude: Siegfried's Rhine Journey
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 1: Fair sunlight, send to us the hero (Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 1: What woman should I wed…? (Gunther, Hagen, Gutrune)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 3: Peace with your cries of useless lament! (Brünnhilde, Gutrune)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Prelude: Love, I leave you alone (Siegfried, Brünnhilde)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 1: Why should I let them laugh and jeer? (Siegfried, Flosshilde, Woglinde, Wellgunde)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 1: You mock me, wicked Hagen! (Gutrune, Hagen, Gunther)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 3: Glad times have come (Vassals, Hagen)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 3: Poor creature, peace! (Brünnhilde, Gutrune)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 2: Which is Gibich's son? (Siegfried, Gunther, Hagen)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 2: Hoiho! Hagen! Fast asleep? (Siegfried, Hagen, Gutrune)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 3: Go home to the sacred clan of the gods! (Brünnhilde, Waltraute)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 4: Gunther, look to your wife there (Siegfried)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 2: Brünnhilde! Holiest bride! (Siegfried)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 4: Shing steel! Holiest weapon! (Siegfried, Brünnhilde, Vassals)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 2: Welcome, O guest, to Gibich's house! (Gutrune, Siegfried, Gunther)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 2: I can see a sail in the distance (Hagen, Siegfried, Gutrune)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act I Scene 3: Now nothing can save me (Brünnhilde, Siegfried)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act III Scene 2: Hoiho! (Hagen, Vassals, Siegfried)
Twilight of the Gods, WWV 86D, Act II Scene 1: Sleep you, Hagen, my son? (Alberich, Hagen)
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