Ruth Baumgarten Ruth Baumgarten全部影视作品
拜伦 |
威文庄园之谜 |
林尼探案集:血色报酬 |
Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains |
林尼探案集:正义的复仇 |
Bye Bye Harry! |
高尚交易 |
林尼探案集:校园凶案 |
灵异守夜 |
灵异守夜 Ghostwatch |
拜伦 Byron |
威文庄园之谜 The Wyvern Mystery |
林尼探案集:正义的复仇 Inspector Lynley Mysteries: A Suitable Vengeance (2003) |
Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains (2012) |
Bye Bye Harry! (2006) |
林尼探案集:校园凶案 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries: Well Schooled in Murder (2002) |
林尼探案集:血色报酬 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries: Payment In Blood (2002) |
高尚交易 A Respectable Trade (1998) |