达蒙·帕卡德 Damon Packard全部影视作品
首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-12-23
离奇剧院 |
鲁蛇超写实 |
SpaceDisco One |
陷入沉思 |
The Untitled Star Wars Mockumentary |
Hipster Holocaust |
Dawn of Evil |
Tales Beyond Madness |
离奇剧院 The Theatre Bizarre |
I'm Calling Frank (2007) |
真相大白 The Telling (2009) |
鲁蛇超写实 Frankie in Blunderland (2011) |
Dozers (2010) |
The Howl of Winterland (2022) |
致命脉冲 Night Pulse (2018) |
Dawn of Evil (2018) |
Tales Beyond Madness (2018) |
Betamax (2015) |
Reflections of Evil 2: The Same Day (2023) |
Hallelujah! Gorilla Revival (2008) |