首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-12-20
西罗亚喷泉,约沙法谷 | - |
来自北方的耶路撒冷 | - |
佩特拉,山谷的下端,观看雅典卫城 | - |
阿什杜德 | - |
苏伊士码头 | - |
耶稣诞生的神殿,伯利恒 | - |
巴勒贝克寺东部门廊的废墟 | - |
陷入格拉纳达平原 | Later celebrated for his topographical landscapes of the Middle East, Roberts’s first extended trip abroad was in 1832 when he traveled through France to Spain over a period of 10 months. This watercolor records a scene from Roberts’s journey from Madrid to Andalusia. He described the trip in a letter to his sister: "I jogged on a considerable part of the way on foot, happy and contented. Granada is in the most beautiful situation that can be imagined. It lies at the foot of a ridge of high mountains, called the Sierra Nevada, or the Mountains of Snow." Replete with burdened mules, a lone figure on foot, and sun-drenched mountains with a view of Granada in the distance, this watercolor vividly illustrates the artist’s recollections. |
从加利利海看向巴山 | - |
来自南方的耶路撒冷 | - |
伯达尼 | - |
卢德的圣乔治基督教堂,古老的利达 | - |
伯利恒 | - |
圣凯瑟琳修道院,西奈山,望向营地平原 | - |
圣约翰萨巴斯特教堂的废墟 | - |
朝圣者的营地,杰里科 | - |
在提尔附近叫作欧姆埃尔哈米德的废墟 | - |
塞穆阿 | - |
叙利亚海岸 | - |
提比里亚镇望向黎巴嫩 | - |