首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-12-18
室内 | - |
街景 | - |
田园风光 | - |
地铁入口 | Rothko's street scenes and subway pictures of the 1930s have been compared to examples of Ashcan School and Depression-era realist painting, but this resemblance is likely based on the perception of a shared urban motif. Rather than providing a "realistic" portrayal of the city life, Rothko seems far more interested in conveying the perceptual experience of architectural space, using abstract compositional arrangements to explore the relationship between the painting and its viewer, an element that would play a critical role in the artist's later works. |
自画像 | - |
无题(站立的男人和女人) | - |
地下幻想 | - |
肖像(无题) | - |
无题 | - |
伊菲革涅亚的牺牲 | - |
海边的缓慢的漩涡 | - |
分层的鸟类 | - |
莉莉丝的仪式 | - |
原始景观 | - |
古老的偶像 | - |
客西马尼 | - |
抒情器乐曲 | - |
幻想 | - |
记忆触角 | - |
5号/ 24号 | - |