首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2024-12-28
行星集 | Cornell’s glazed boxes contain assemblages of found objects that have mysterious and poetic associations. This work is dedicated to Giuditta Pasta, a nineteenth-century Italian opera singer. Cornell idolised a number of almost-forgotten stars of the ballet and opera, who epitomised for him the ideals of the Romantic era. The box includes astronomical charts and two balls balanced on rods, which suggest planets orbiting the sun. This astronomical theme may relate to a contemporary account, which Cornell kept among his cuttings, in which Pasta’s voice is described as evoking the beauty of the night sky. |
无题(大猫头鹰栖息地) | - |
无题(保罗和弗吉尼亚) | - |
无题(梅第奇男孩) | - |
仙后座1 | - |
无题(贝贝玛丽) | - |
无题(美第奇王子) | - |
塞米勒米斯大酒店 | - |
无题(酒店伊甸园) | - |
射击馆生境小组 | - |
埃及的美罗德小姐, 自然历史的基本课程 | - |
无标题(肥皂泡) | - |
蒂莉·洛西 | - |
无题(太阳能组合) | - |
无题(迪耶普) | - |
无题(阿波罗) | - |
天鹅酒店 | - |
物体(玫瑰通风口) | - |
朝着蓝色半岛 | - |
胡安格里斯的鹦鹉 | - |