首发于 qinglite.cn,统计截止日:2025-01-14
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图书管理员 | Not only did Arcimboldo use fruits, vegetables, plants, and animals as objects for the compilations in his paintings, he also used inanimate objects such as books and papers. The Librarian is one such painting. In this painting, Arcimboldo’s subject is obvious: a lover of books made up out of books. This is an example of the painter’s ability to be less literal. Whereas in other paintings, he shaped singular pieces of fruit or meat into the eyes, nose, or curve of the chin, in this painting, the pile of books only resembles a person, and upon closer inspection, the features become less clear. This is an example of Arcimboldo’s great talent of disguising his objects into the form of a person, or as in this case, disguising his person into the form of his objects. |
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夏季 | Arcimboldo made many renditions as himself of the fours seasons, with winter being dry broken twigs and rock, spring full of flowers and new growth, summer full of fresh and fully ripe fruits and vegetables, and autumn being images of the harvest. Perhaps the fruity images of summer are best known. For example, in the movie series “Harry Potter,” there is a bowl of fruit at the entrance to a door. Upon requiring entrance, the fruit will sit up, frown, and shake its head no for no entrance allowed, or sit up, smile, and nod its head, allowing entrance into the room. |
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费图纳斯 (皇帝鲁道夫二世) | The Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II, who commissioned this painting, loved to have his portrait taken, and is said to have stared on end in rapture at the great masterpieces. He thus had his portrait painted by many of the best artists of his day, including Hans von Aachen, Adrian de Vries, and Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Rudolph had collected such a vast amount of paintings that his collection was one of the greatest in Europe. In his typical style, Arcimboldo created Rudolph’s image as the character of Vertumnus, the Roman God of plant life, growth, and the change of seasons, compiled of fresh fruit and vegetables. |
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花之神 | Flora is one of Arcimboldo’s most famous paintings, painted at the same time as Vertumnus, when he was at the height of his career. Although his work was forgotten after his death, over the last 100 years it has grown in popularity to be included in many contemporary forms. This particular painting was used as the 2009 cover for the album “Bonfires on the Heath” by the English pop band The Clientele. |