Bleach (Deluxe Edition)联合创作 · 2024-03-14 15:15在初展锋芒的《Bleach》中,Nirvana 卓有创造力的 Grunge 乐风已有所显现 ——低迷暴躁与歇斯底里,时而是不和谐的扭曲,时而是入耳的旋律,巨大能量从内心与嘶吼的锐利中喷薄而出。能听得出在这一时期,无论从音色到结构,重金属摇滚为 Nirvana 的创作带来不少启发,专辑中可以归为慢速重金名称Blew (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Been a Son (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Intro (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Molly's Lips (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Mr. MustacheLove Buzz (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Paper CutsSwap MeetFloyd the BarberFloyd the Barber (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Negative CreepSchoolDownerDive (Live at Pine Street Theatre)SiftingScoffAbout a Girl (Live at Pine Street Theatre)Big CheeseScoff (Live at Pine Street Theatre)School (Live at Pine Street Theatre)还有5条未看,登录查看全部 浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐Girlfriend (Deluxe Edition)Girlfriend (Deluxe Edition)0No Reason (Deluxe Edition)No Reason (Deluxe Edition)0Manaus (Deluxe Edition)Manaus (Deluxe Edition)0Caneta (Deluxe Edition)Caneta (Deluxe Edition)0Shadow (Deluxe Edition)Shadow (Deluxe Edition)0Arrow (Deluxe Edition)Arrow (Deluxe Edition)0No Education_ - Deluxe EditionNo Education_ - Deluxe Edition0Bodybag (Deluxe Edition)Bodybag (Deluxe Edition)0Zoned (Deluxe Edition)Zoned (Deluxe Edition)0Microbio (Deluxe Edition)Microbio (Deluxe Edition)0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报