博士申请 | 日内瓦大学招收机器学习和计算机视觉博士生(年薪35万)
University of Geneva
1. Master’s degree or an equivalent in one of the following domains: computer science, data science, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics;
2. Previous experience with machine learning, computer vision and signal/image processing;
3. Strong programming skills in Python with experience in TensorFlow, PyTorch or Keras that will be verified;
4. Strong verbal and written communication skills in English;
5. Strong analytical abilities and problem solving/troubleshooting skills.
1. Great learning opportunities;
2. Flexibility in research subjects;
3. Support and guidance to publish papers and attending top international machine learning, computer vision and image processing events;
4. Collaboration with academic and industrial partners;
5. Salary: about CHF 50’000 per year
The SIP group has a broad network of international collaboration and has excellent possibilities to organize scientific exchange visits and training. The SIP group has also a close collaboration with CERN in the domain of machine learning and is a part of Swiss SKA initiative.
As soon as possible
Pre-selected candidates will be invited for a skype/zoom interview.
📪 ysvolos@unige.ch
📪 olga.taran@unige.ch

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