
联合创作 · 2023-10-08 19:11

彭州中学概况  四川省彭州中学是一所历史悠久、业绩卓著和特色鲜明的国家级示范性高中。学校创办于1901年,其前身为1750年创办的“九峰书院”。系四川省首批重点中学,位于彭州市南郊普照寺,占地220余亩,布局合理,绿树成荫;百鸟争鸣,花香四季。建校百年来,共培育出各级各类人才四万多名,其中杰出的代表有:民主革命时期,为人民解放事业英勇献身的何秉彝、杨达等八位革命先烈;新中国成立初期,发愤攻读,报效祖国的中科院院士的曹文宣、李吉均等学生楷模;改革开放以来,勇夺国际奥数金牌的何宏宇、万昕和入选中国男排的吴晓雷等为代表的希望之星。近二十年来,学校以“成人、成器、务实、创新”为校训,“全面发展、整体育人、办出特色”为办学目标,以“和谐发展的个性特长教育”为办学思想,形成了“综合管理,管出中华名校;名师工程,育出教育专家;学科竞赛,赛出世界冠军;男子排球,练出国家队员”的学校特色。迄今为止,参加各级各类学科竞赛共有5438人次获成都市级以上奖,其中1451人次获省级奖,1282人次获国家级奖,38人次进入全国数学、化学冬令营,12人次进入国家数学、化学奥林匹克集训队,居省、市前列。06年学科竞赛再创辉煌,共有133人次获成都市级以上奖,其中8人获全国一等奖,3人入选国家冬令营,1人入选国家集训队。学校男排15次获得成都市冠军、8次获得四川省冠军、两次代表四川省参加全国比赛,为高校、省队、国家队输送了排球优秀人才50余名。先后承担了各级科研课题108项,其中获国家级奖3项、省级奖5项、成都市级奖8项。教师论文在市级以上刊物发表或评奖400余篇。  地址  四川省成都彭州市外南普照寺(611930)   学校网站  http://www.pzzx.net/  【发展历程】  四川省彭州中学(http://www.pzzx.net/)是一所历史悠久、业绩卓著和特色鲜明的国家级示范性高中。学校创办于1901年,是四川省最早创办的五所中学之一,最初校名为经纬学堂(1901-1903),之后历经彭县高等小学堂(1903-1906)、彭县中学堂(1907-1925)、彭县县立中学(1925-1949)、彭县县立第一中学(1950-1951)、彭县中学(1951-1952)、四川省彭县中学(1952-1993)等阶段,发展到现在的四川省彭州中学(1993-今)。2003年,原隶属于学校的初中部剥离出来,创立了一所高规格的民办公助的股份制学校----彭州中学实验学校(http://www.pzsyxx.net)。  【基本情况】  四川省彭州中学位于彭州市天彭镇南郊普照寺,占地面积220余亩,建筑面积11万余平方米。学校现有高中教学班61个,在校学生4000余人;现有教职工262人,其中专任教师213人。教师中具有高级职称的有67人,中级职称的有74人。研究生学历以上教师58人。  彭州中学实验学校与四川省彭州中学毗邻,占地面积100余亩,建筑面积3万平方米。学校现有教学班49个,在校学生3100余人;现有教职工153人,其中专任教师127人,教师中具有高级职称的有21人,中级职称的77人。研究生学历以上教师13人。  【办学理念】  四川省彭州中学在“和谐发展的个性特长教育”的办学思想指导下,以“全面发展、整体育人、办出特色”为办学目标,以“成人、成器、务实、创新”为校训,形成了“勤奋、谨严、活泼、进取”的校风,“尊师、乐学、诚信、合作”的学风和“重道、敬业、爱生、奉献”的教风。  【学校特色】  “综合管理,管出中华名校;名师工程,育出教育专家;学科竞赛,赛出世界冠军;男子排球,练出国家队员”充分体现了学校的办学特色。建校百年来,共培育出各级各类人才四万多名,其中的杰出代表有:民主革命时期,为中国人民解放事业英勇献身的何秉彝、杨达等八位革命先烈;新中国成立初期,发愤攻读、报效祖国的中科院院士的曹文宣、李吉均等学生楷模;改革开放以来,勇夺国际奥数竞赛金牌的何宏宇、万昕和入选中国男排国家队的吴晓雷等为代表的希望之星。  【获奖荣誉】  四川省彭州中学先后被评为:成都市园林式单位、文明单位、德育先进单位,校风示范学校;四川省重点中学、四川省校风示范校和四川省国家级示范性高中;被授予四川省男子排球后备人才重点学校、国防生源基地等;被列入《中国著名中学》、《教育大辞典》,被国家教育部列入《中国名校》。近二十年来,获全国模范教师和优秀教师的有6人,省模范教师和优秀教师6人,省学术和技术带头人1人,省特级教师5人;获成都市级优秀教师46人,其中教育专家2人,成都市首届“十佳明星教师”1人、成都市学科带头人5人。  A Brief Introduction to Pengzhou High School  History   Pengzhou High School( http://www.pzzx.net/ )is a national demonstrative high school with a long history, outstanding achievements and distinctive characteristics. Created in 1901, it was one of the five oldest high schools in Sichuan. First called Jingwei School(1901-1903), it has gone through six different periods, namely, Pengxian Advanced Primary School(1903-1906, Pengxian high school(1907-1925), Pengxian County-owned high School(1925-1949), Pengxian County-owned No. 1 high school(1950-1951), Pengxian High School(1951-1952), Pengxian High School of Sichuan Province(1952-1993). In 1993, the school obtained the present name . In 2003,a joint-stock school run by the local people and supported by the public, the Experimental School of Pengzhou High School(http://www.pzsyxx.net) was established.  Basic Information   Located in Puzhaosi, southern suburbs of Pengzhou city, the school covers an area of more than 220 mu with a reasonable layout. Today, Pengzhou High School has 61 senior classes and about 4000 enrolled students, with 262 faculty members, of whom 67 teachers have been granted senior titles for their great contribution and 58 teachers are masters.  Lying next to Pengzhou High School, the Experimental School of Pengzhou High School covers an area of 100 mu. There are about 49 classes and about 3100 students in the school, with a total number of 153 teachers and workers. 21 teachers have won senior title and 77 secondary title. 13 teachers have won masters’ degree.   School-running Concept  Geared by the educational concept “Harmonious personality education for individuals ”, the school has been trying to achieve its goal “overall development; all-round education; run characteristics”, and eventually formed the school motto “ to be truthful while talented, to be pragmatic while innovative”. “Diligence, Strictness, Liveliness, and Initiation ”has been granted as the motto for the students’ style of studies and lives, and all the staff have always persistently adhered to the student-centered educational policy, “Truthfulness, Devotion, Love and Contribution”.   Features   In the long-term practice of running this school, the school has formed its unique features “Comprehensive management ----- to build a Chinese famous school; Well-known teacher project ------ to make educational experts; Subject contests ----- to train world champion”. Over the past 100 years, more than 40,000 personnel of various types have grown out of this school , among whom there are outstanding representatives, such as He Bingyi , Yangda and six other revolutionary pioneers who devoted their lives to the People’s Liberation Cause during the democratic revolution period; model students like Cao wenxuan and Li jijun , members of Chinese Academy of science, studied energetically in order to serve the motherland during the early period after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China ; the representatives of the promising students since reform and opening up like He Hongyu and Wanxin who won the gold medals in the International Mathematical Olympiad and Wu Xiaolei who was selected as a member of the Chinese Men’s volleyball Team .  Prizes and Honors   The school has gained a lot of titles as Garden-like unit of Chengdu city, civilized unit , Province-level school-spirit demonstrative school, key high school in Sichuan province, national demonstrative high school, Province-level Advanced Unit in Moral Education and “ the Base of the Sichuan men’s volleyball reserve personnel”.The school is among the list of “China’s famous High Schools”, “Education Dictionary” and “China’s Famous School”.
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