嶋本昭三(Shozo Shimamoto)是二战后日本最具影响力的艺术家之一,是具体派艺术的代表人物之一。他把装满颜料的玻璃瓶掷向铺在坚硬表面或石头上的画布,玻璃瓶破碎爆裂,瓶里的颜料也喷洒而出,形成生气盎然、极富动感的图案,令人目眩神迷。1956年,嶋本昭三首次以“掷瓶”方法绘画,一鸣惊人,大开风气之先,对早期具体艺术贡献至为重要,为战后艺术注入不可或缺的动力,体现了从破坏中变革创新、透过彻底毁灭达至重生与解放的力量。他的代表作品有《孔洞沉积》、《碰撞瓶》、《泥塔瓶撞车事故》等。
Holes is one of a series of works which, according to the artist, was begun either in 1949 or 1950. Created in the artist’s studio in Nishinomiya City, Japan, it was made using a number of sheets of newspaper, topped with a sheet of brown cartridge paper, pasted together with a glue made with flour and water. It was then painted white with hints of pale blue, and its surface was pierced irregularly to reveal the different layers underneath and the painting’s wooden backboard. Viewed from a distance, the overall effect is that of a lunar landscape, all craters and bumps. The contrast between the delicate hues and appealing surface on the one hand, and the violence and destructiveness of Shimamoto’s piercing of the surface on the other, can be said to suggest an interesting relationship between the perceived violence of his work and the qualities of beauty and order prized in traditional Japanese culture.In a letter of 16 July 2002 to Tate, the artist revealed that he had started to paint on supports made of glued newspaper because in the early 1950s he could not afford to purchase canvas. Shimamoto found that the newspaper support would tear if the glue was not entirely dry before he started to paint on his makeshift support, or if the paper he had used was too delicate, and this provided him with the inspiration for his Holes series. When these works were first exhibited, they were largely ridiculed in Japan but admired by the innovative circles frequented by the artists who would form the Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai (Gutai Art Association) in 1954 under the aegis of the establish painter Jirō Yoshihara (1905-1972).
魔法922 (瓶装)
碰撞瓶 AU 27
卡普里·切尔托萨 4
卡普里岛 21
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