希里·凡·埃尔顿(Hilly van Eerten,1957年7月14日-)是一位荷兰女性艺术家。她在版画,光刻,拼贴画,图形,数字艺术等领域都有涉及。希里于1986年开始在乌得勒支美术学院进修,并学习制作版画。在这里,她完成了绘画课程后,又学习了平面印刷艺术。她偏爱印刷技术,因为这使她有多种可能性可以用绘画的方式在石头上涂上颜色。并且,希里在阿姆斯特丹印刷工作室发现了单色的可能性。这项印刷技术使希里可以将自己的照片作为视觉基本材料,并以拼贴的方式进行打印。在2001年至2006年之间,希里的其他作品以铺路石,屋顶瓦片和渔网出现在她的单一作品中,所有作品都具有其独特的结构。
This mono-type art print is a combination of several images, taken from her pictures.One image comes from the water towers on the roofs in Manhattan.The images of the building cranes are from her photos she made in Dutch big cities The Hague, Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
This mono-type is a combination of several images, taken from her pictures.One image comes from the water towers on the roofs in Manhattan.The images of the building cranes are from photos - taken in Dutch big cities The Hague, Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
路面 - 红色和黑色鹅卵石
A mono-type made from two different pictures Hilly van Eerten made of the cobble-stone pavement in the Dutch old city-center of Maastricht in 2005.
路面 - 红色鹅卵石与白色混合
A mono-type made from several pictures Hilly van Eerten made of the cobble-stone pavement in the old city-center of Maastricht in 2005.
蓝色鹅卵石1号 - 单色美术印花
title: Blue Cobblestones No 1.This unique mono-type fine art print is made from photos of the artist she made in the old city Maastricht, a city with original medieval cobblestones.. Only one print was made; so an unique print because the technique is mono-print!.Made by Dutch graphic woman-artist Hilly van Eerten.
This unique mono-type is made after photos of roof tiles, made at the island Gran Canaria where the living houses had typical round tiles on their roofs.
红色的三个墓碑; 7/12 - 平面艺术家希里·凡·埃尔顿的平版印刷艺术
A lithography print made of photos of tombstones which the artist took at the Jewish graveyard in Prague.Made by Dutch graphic woman-artist Hilly van Eerten.
食品静物 - 平版印刷艺术1997年由图形艺术家希里·凡·埃尔顿设计
The inspiration of this lithography art print were some watercolor sketches Hilly van Eerten painted of food: a herring with onions, three tomatoes and one leek, all on a plate.It was done in the context of a exposition and a collective graphic art-print map with five other graphic artists, at the Grafisch Atelier in Amsterdam.Print No. 13 of 25.
A printed collage of several pictures like the cobble-stone pavement of the city Maastricht and the Daniel Meyer square in Amsterdam city.This art print is destroyed by the artist, because of damage of the paper.
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