尚·丁格利(Jean Tinguely,1925年5月22日,瑞士佛立堡生-1991年8月30日,伯恩卒),另译杰昂·唐格里,瑞士达达主义画家与雕刻家,以机动艺术创作闻名。他以作品来暗讽文明工业社会中盲目生产过剩的现象。丁格利在瑞士巴塞尔成长,曾就读于巴塞尔艺术与工艺学校(Basel School Of Arts And Crafts);为了发展艺术生涯,他于1952年与第一任配偶——瑞士艺术家伊娃·埃普莉(Eva Aeppli)迁居法国。他的首次展览于1954年五月在巴黎阿贺诺画廊(Galerie Arnaud)举办。丁格利被视为二十世纪中期巴黎的前卫艺术家。1995年,丁格利与多位艺术家,包含杜象(Duchamp)与卡尔达(Calder),共同参与名为“运动”(Le Mouvement)的展览,这也是机动艺术首次在艺术中获得重要地位。丁格利亦是1960年时在新写实主义宣言中签署的艺术家之一。丁格利于1971年与法国艺术家妮基·桑法勒结婚。两人的共同创作包括巴黎的《史特拉文斯基喷泉》(Fontaine Igor Stravinsky,1983年)以及《诗农堡喷泉》(Fontaine de Château-Chinon,1988年)。丁格利最著名的作品包括《向纽约致敬》(Homage to New York),是他于1960年接受纽约现代艺术博物馆邀请所创作的作品。《向纽约致敬》是一架自毁式机器,曾在展览中运转27分钟,但这次表演并未成功将作品完全摧毁,而表演中被破坏的机械残骸则成为观众的纪念品。两年后,他受美国国家广播公司之邀创作了《世界尽头研究二号机》(Study for an End of the World No. 2),在美国拉斯维加斯近郊沙漠中成功引爆。
In March 1961, the important travelling exhibition “Bewogen Beweging” opened in Amsterdam, giving the public its first comprehensive overview of kinetic art from the Futurists to Alexander Calder. Among the 72 artists, Jean Tinguely was represented with no less than 28 works. For the show’s second venue, the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Tinguely built two new machine sculptures. One of these is “Miramar”, which the artist later renamed “Ballet des pauvres” (Ballet of the Poor) due to the reactions of museumgoers.Pathetic-looking, ragged, defective and discarded objects from our everyday lives hang on wires and rubber bands from the ceiling, immobile. Underneath them is a nightgown, a prosthetic leg sporting a red stocking, a pot without a bottom, a shabby fox fur and a silver-coloured serving tray. All of these cast-offs are affixed via a suspended ceiling to camshafts and nine lever arms connected to a motor that is switched on by a timer. Suddenly and without warning, this sad array of consumer refuse bursts into explosive and spastic motion before the eyes of the non-suspecting observer, shaking and gyrating chaotically. The individual shapes and materials are dissolved in the high-speed whirl to form an indefinable whole. Accompanying the spectacle is a loud clattering generated by the collisions of the metal objects.Tinguely deliberately deployed the feeling of uncertainty provoked in the viewer and the surprise effect as artistic means of expression. More than hardly any other work of that era, “Ballet des pauvres“ attests to the continual expansion of Jean Tinguely’s artistic vocabulary at the beginning of the 1960s. The movements and materials with which he works become increasingly expressive, wilder and more chaotic, departing significantly from the mainly geometric and constructive reliefs he executed in the 1950s. Tinguely would continue to pursue the idea of unbridled, “free-flowing“ machine sculptures in 1961 with his “Balubas”.
In contrast with many other works by Jean Tinguely, we have little information on “Frigo Duchamp”, knowing only that the refrigerator was a gift to him from Marcel Duchamp. The work was executed between autumn 1960 and September 1962, when it was on view in the New York gallery of Sidney Janis. According to the artist, the piece was thereafter stored for twenty years in a friend’s garden, where it presumably remained nearly unchanged over the years.
惊人的机器 - 元-康定斯基 一号
In 1954 Tinguely created a group of works for exhibitions in Paris and Milan that are today subsumed under the heading “Méta-Malevitch”. These are reliefs made of square or rectangular wooden boxes in front of which metal elements in basic geometric shapes such as line and circle in pure white (or in a few cases glowing red) seem to float.These floating forms are mounted on fine wires that are connected behind the “picture surface” with wooden or metal wheels of various sizes. When these wheels are set in motion by drive belts connecting them with a likewise hidden motor, a continual series of new constellations appear on the “picture surface“. Tinguely further enhances the effect thus created by ensuring that the pivot point is not in the middle for all lines and that the wheels have different diameters, making the elements rotate at various speeds. This furthermore prevents simple symmetrical constellations from being produced after a certain amount of time, or, as Tinguely once gushed to a viewer of his works: “It would take at least 10,000 years for this extraordinary new machine to repeat before our eyes the same composition.”
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