Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ: Chorale Prelude, BWV 722 / Chorale Setting, BWV 314
Gottes Sohn Ist Kommen: Chorale Setting, BWV 318 / Chorale Prelude, BWV 600
Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen Allzugleich: Chorale Prelude, BWV 609 / Chorale Setting, BWV 375
Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern: Chorale-Setting, BWV 436 / Chorale Prelude, BWV 739
Ermuntre Dich, Mein Schwacher Geist, BWV 454
Fur Freuden Lasst Uns Springen, BWV 313
Hilf, Herr Jesu, Lass Gelingen, BWV 344
Ich Freue Mich In Dir, BWV 465
Jesu, Nun Sei Gepreiset, BWV 362
Arranging Bach
Die Gabler-Orgel In Weingarten
Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings, (A), Incidental Festivities, Psalms
Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A), Advent and Christmas
Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A), Trust In God ...
Johann Sebastian Bach: Complete Organ Works played on Silbermann organs Vol. 14
Bach, J.S.: Ich Steh an Deiner Krippen Hier
Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Complete Organ Works played on Silbermann organs Vol. 15
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