The Prison, Part I. Close on Freedom: His Soul (echosed by Voices) replies "There is no secret"
The Prison, Part I. Close on Freedom: Orchestral Interlude. The first glimmer of Dawn
The Prison, Part I. Close on Freedom: The Prisoner asks the secret of emancipation "I was alone with sorrow"
The Prison, Part I. Close on Freedom: The Prisoner communes with his Soul "I awoke in the middle of the night"
The Prison, Part I. Close on Freedom: Voices sing of immortality "We are full of immortality"
The Prison, Part II. The Deliverance: Death calls him (The Last Post) - Gloring, he obeys the summons "For years you have been conning your lesson"
The Prison, Part II. The Deliverance: He disbands his ego "I disband myself"
The Prison, Part II. The Deliverance: Pastorale. Sunset calm.
The Prison, Part II. The Deliverance: Voices sing (in Greek mode) the indestructibility of human passions "The laughter we have laughed"
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